Your Guide to Lip Balm and the Perfect Lips
Lip moisturization has always been important for women and men, but lip balm hasn’t always been a luxury available for that benefit.
What Causes Dry Skin? Plus Remedies and Tips
Dry skin is something that most people experience at least once in their life. However, for others, it can be a chronic condition. It can cause...
3 Reasons Why It’s Time To Say Goodbye to Petroleum Jelly
There’s a good chance that you’ve used petroleum jelly at some point in your life. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if you had petroleum jelly in...
3 Face Moisturizer Beauty Tricks for Flawless Skin
Washing your face is a no-brainer, right? Well, not exactly. A survey found that 80 percent of Americans make at least one or more common mistakes...
31 Days Of Black Beauty
Andrea Jordan, Essence Magazine: This Petroleum-free balm is filled with beeswax and natural oils.
The Bees’ Knees
The Bees’ Knees – If the Thought of petroleum jelly (made with, um, petroleum) weirds you out, try Waxelene, made with beeswax.
Prevention Magazine Mentions Waxelene
Waxelene is as moisturizing and multi-tasking as petroleum jelly, but it’s formulated with renewable ingredients such as beeswax and soybean oil.
Mommy Must-Have
Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine: "Say no to petro. Looking for an all natural alternative to petroleum jelly? Meet Waxelene, a...
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